British Columbia & Beyond.
Join me on my twenty year career as a professional violinist, turned wife and now mom of 3 as we live with faith, love and a whole lot of fun and creativity! Sophie XO
Hey friends, the last few weeks have been crazy busy! I have recorded a new album, almost done recording a new single and we’ve done a bunch of videos that are coming out one by one coming up… The crazy thing about pregnancy is that I have so many ideas, and things I want to […]
We’re excited to announce that Sophie has just completed a new album in the studio, and right now is working on a new single with producer Rob Wells for release in 2019! Sophie is close to giving birth so both projects will not be released until next year. You can read more about Sophie’s creative […]
My dear friends & fans, most of you have probably noticed that I have baby #3 on board… and today I’m so excited to share that it’s a GIRL! We can’t wait to meet the newest addition to our family! Motherhood has been one of the most amazing and craziest journeys I have ever been […]
Hey everyone! It has come to our attention that there are a few Sophie impersonators out there online. So, to make things clear, I use only ONE email. I have only ONE Skype account, and on social media this is where you can find me: , *My Skype account says “this is my ONLY […]